Mobius Leadership

Creating a Life from Choice

Posted on: May 24th, 2016 by mobiusleadership No Comments

Choice sometimes seems overwhelming in today’s world.  There is so much to choose from.  And yet, in some circumstances we feel that we have no choice, we are stuck, backed into a corner.

How often do we hear ourselves say – ‘I didn’t have a choice’ when what we are really saying is ‘I didn’t make the choice I wanted to’.  This may have been for a number of reasons – sometimes, decisions are made subconsciously, sometimes out of habit, often out of fear.  Sometimes we rush, not giving ourselves permission to check in with what we really need.

As a self -confessed list addict, I heard myself utter recently ‘life is one long to do list’. I caught myself in that moment with the realisation that I could live in that reality and be burdened by it – or not.  The choice was mine to make.  Sure – there can and always will be an endless list of stuff to do – and my choice of how I am around that will give it a sense of ease or burden.  In fact, I had a couple of choices to make – ditch the ‘The List’ altogether (tempting but unrealistic), be more selective of what made The List and choosing my attitude about getting The List done (or not).

A simple, yet I would guess for many of us, a very real example of where we can exercise more choice and end up with a little more ease in life.

The choices life presents us with are not always so easily resolved and yet the same principle extends to many more complex and life challenging situations.  A dear friend of mine is meeting the daily struggle of living with Lyme Disease –she is an inspiration.  Despite her chronic pain and inability to lead her normally full and vibrant life, she has chosen to stay positive and meet those daily challenges with humour, tenacity, and a determination to return to full health.  Sometimes the best choice we can make will take all the courage we can find.

Two questions to ask ourselves when faced with making a choice of what to do in a situation are simply – ‘what /who am I saying yes to?’ And ‘what / who am I saying no to?’

Do your choices bring you closer to what enlivens and inspires you?  Or, are you choosing based on what you think you should be doing, what others want you to do, what society or advertising seduce you into doing?

In the words of J.K. Rowling “It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

Mobius Centre

Sarah Matthews May 2016

Sarah Matthews is a Director of Mobius Coaching and Development and owner of the Mobius Centre on Heir Island, West Cork.
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