Mobius Leadership

Testimonial – Gloucestershire Constabulary

Posted on: August 27th, 2014 by mobiusleadership No Comments

‘I was introduced to the work of Mobius about a year or so ago. I was fortunate to undertake a personal profile, which was debriefed by a qualified coach. This process deepened my understanding of the way in which I was operating as a leader and provided a firm indication of the areas of competence that I needed to develop. This process benefited me not only in my professional capacity but also in a personal capacity, as I was able to understand my own personal values and this in turn, facilitated my personal development.

My senior management team also participated in completing a Leadership Circle Profile – as the group leader, this provided me with an invaluable insight into how my team was operating and the impact that individuals had on team dynamics. This meant that I was able to harness the skills that these individuals had to further enhance team performance. Without the knowledge that I gained from the Profile, I would have never been in a position to develop the team in a focussed and productive manner.

My senior management team also participated in an immunity to change workshop over 2 days – this was an intensive workshop, which was of enormous benefit to the whole team. Whilst I was initially sceptical about this process, I was amazed at the results. The workshop heightened my awareness of team dynamics and gave me a deeper understanding of my team’s needs and identified a clear blueprint for developing them into a more effective and efficient team.

I was extremely impressed by the professionalism and knowledge of the staff working for Mobius. Their assistance and guidance has meant that I have developed as a leader and my team has become more productive.’

Supt Gary Thompson – Gloucestershire Constabulary

