Mobius Centre

Seasons of Change

Posted on: December 12th, 2016 by mobiusleadership No Comments
As we settle into Winter, I find myself thinking about the seasons and the natural rhythm of life, how it all seems perfectly formed and happens with ease.

On Heir Island, the seasons are really noticeable – each brings out a different characteristic, a different perspective of island life.

At this time of year, in Winter, a quietness descends. The boats have left their moorings, animals are in from the fields, mowers and strimmers are silenced as nature heads into hibernation, walkers are wrapped up and brace against the wind as they enjoy the invigorating fresh sea air and the smell of freshly lit fires.

In Spring – a sense of anticipation as once more nature wakes up, days start to lengthen and boats are being painted ready for the season ahead. We eagerly await the first sign of new born chicks on the lake and the shags start building their precariously perched nests on the cliffs. Houses come back to life as the early visitors arrive.

There is a buzz about Summer – there’s lots going on – sailing, fishing (nothing like the taste of the first mackerel of the year), regattas, collecting treasures from the beach or skimming stones. Like the swallows, familiar faces return along with some new ones; vibrant colours of montbretia and fuchsia dance in the sun; wonderful long days and huge skies.

In Autumn, the island relaxes – like a deep exhale after you’ve held a breath. The blackberries ripen, boats start to come in and the visitors return to winter elsewhere. The glow of the sunsets never ceases to cause wonder. Then the first storm leaving behind the roaring swell of the waves crashing in the distance reminding us winter is around the corner.

And then it all starts again. I find a comfort in the predictability of the seasons – as they come and go every year it’s a reminder that everything has a beginning, middle and end – only the arc of time differs.

Sometimes the seasons are helpful in understanding times of change – changing relationships, changing business fortunes, changing interests.  Even though we may resist it quite strongly at the time (how long do we resist putting away those summer clothes?), and struggle to rationalise the reason something is happening – there is an inevitable constant in life and that’s change. Everything has a season.

Each season in nature has its purpose and its place in the continuum is vital – without Winter there would be no Spring. It is essential that nature has its rest period, its time for hibernation, rejuvenation – ready to come to life again when the warmth returns and the days start to length.

How do you want to be this Winter? When all the partying is done, how to you replenish and restore? What do you need to do to be ready for Spring?

Sarah Matthews is a Director of Mobius Leadership and owner of the Mobius Retreat Centre on Heir Island, West Cork, Ireland.

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