Mobius Leadership

Reflections on Learning

Posted on: April 28th, 2016 by mobiusleadership No Comments
Recently, as part of the intention I am holding for 2016 – ‘Playful Discovery’  – I attended a woodcarving workshop run by the multi-talented Ben Russell in West Cork. Having never done any woodcarving before, there were many enjoyable aspects to the 3 days.

One of these is how it started me thinking about learning – what a joy it was to get out of my head and use my hands for something very practical, yet creative, and new. I felt my mind expanding by being introduced to this new world; I discovered (and rediscovered) things about myself in the process of learning this new skill– being keen for perfection from the outset isn’t necessarily a good thing, there’s so much to harvest from mistakes and slip ups along the way; there’s room for my interpretation and creativity (it doesn’t have to always be done by the rules); slow down and enjoy the process and be willing to learn from a master.  Then there’s the pride that comes with seeing the outcome and sharing a newly discovered talent.

I am sure that engaging in learning, being a curious novice and being willing to give something a go not only keeps our minds young but our hearts too.

What are you going to learn next? In June, I will be making greenwood chairs – another new world!

PS – here’s my woodcarving piece (in the light wood) paired with a piece my mother carved over 40 years ago. 

Mobius Centre

Sarah Matthews April 2016
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